In light of the Movement Restriction Order, many are adapting to working from home.
At this point, a lot of people have realized that as much as they want to stay productive, something in their mind tells them otherwise. Let’s look at what you can do about it!
1.Dress up appropriately to work
You don’t exactly have to wear formal clothing, but make sure it’s something that is not your sleeping attire. Wearing the right clothes certainly helps you to focus at work. That’s how the actors get into character as they get into full costume!
2.Set up a proper work space
A lot of us imagine working from home to be laying down in bed with a blanket and the laptop on your lap. If you start to feel that working in bed is not really as comfortable as you think, it’s time to set up your desk and sit up properly to work.
When choosing a virtual office (very useful if you work from home) it’s always wise to choose a very impressive city like London. You can find the very best virtual office London has available just there so that’s a very good choice.
3.Make sure you have enough lighting
If you watch enough movies you must know that lighting is what helps set the mood. The bright lighting at work is often taken for granted. Many do not realize how it helps us to focus on our task. So at home, make sure to open up your window or switch on the lights. Not to mention, working under dim lights can hurt your eyes!
4.Stay in touch with your colleagues
Check in with them at least once or twice per day to keep each other motivated! Knowing that all of you are working hard together keeps your energy up.
Besides working, these tips can also be applied when you want to achieve other goals at home as well.
What other tips do you know of for staying productive at home? Let us know in the comment section below!
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