Malaysia’s COVID cases went up to 10k+ the past week 🚨😓 We know it’s very easy to get panicked in times like this—it’s completely normal—and it gets difficult to even breathe and stay calm in the midst of all the chaos.
Here’s 10 calming activities that may soothe that tension or anxiety! ✨🧘
1. Go somewhere calming! 🍃 (wear your mask, obviously) If you’ve been working from home, perhaps try working somewhere else?
2. Listen to music. 🎶 Find that hour long chilled relaxing background music playlist on Youtube or Spotify. Use them to relax yourself!
3. Talk/rant to someone. 😮💨 Call your best friend, partner or family. Talking it out will lift some burden off your shoulder.
4. Journaling. ✍️ If you’re not much of a talker, perhaps express your thoughts through writing? No one will/has to read it, write it for YOU!
5. Eat some good food. 😋 Matcha? Chocolate? Pizzas? Go fix those cravings of yours! Go grab any food that would make you feel good.
6. Stay away from social media. 📴 Use the internet in a different way! Scroll Pinterest, watch Netflix. Try disconnecting for a bit.
7. Take a shower or a bath. 🚿 See it as a way to reset. You’ll come out of it literally clean and fresh!
8. Sleep. 💤 Similar concept, starting afresh! Tomorrow is a new day, it’s ok to take a break.
9. Read. 📚 Wander off to another world through the fictions! Immerse in it. Go somewhere else that’s unreal, better than the reality.
10. Smile. 😆 Appreciate the small things in life, everything will be fine. You are not alone!
These might not work for everyone, so it’s your job to learn what works the best for you to deal with moments like this. It takes time. So, baby steps, don’t give up! 💛