Young entrepreneur, social media influencer & photographer at only 19, Sheryl Ng is definitely a role model for all out there!
Hey Sheryl! Tell us more about yourself!
Hello! Well, I just turned 19 not longer than a month ago. I love doing a lot of things so I do everything all at once until I can’t handle it. Then I’ll go home and cry to my mom and boyfriend about how “stressed” I am. Just kidding, I don’t cry.. Maybe when I’m on my period. Truth be told, I’m a person who does what I love with passion. I work hard for what I want in life and I make sure I do it well.
What do you do full time?
I actually go to college everyday as of right now so I am a full-time student!
Tell us your journey as an entrepreneur!
I started a small business with my long time boyfriend which is now known as Cadeaur. It was before Valentine’s Day of 2014 where an idea of creating a bracelet for my boyfriend came to mind. Instead of making him one as initially planned, I bought a bunch of beads for just RM60 and told him we were starting a business! We earned a thousand bucks on our first month and it just kept growing after that. With the profit we made, we soon upgraded all our glass beads to semi-precious stones so that our customers could have much better quality products.
How did you overcome the stigma as a young business woman?
Gone are the days where women are supposed to cook and clean. As a modern millennial, we can strive for better opportunities. Although our sex and gender is still an “obstacle” to some, we should fight for our rights and capabilities. With social media now, we as women can empower one another all across the globe. There’s nothing we can’t do, really.
When did you first discover your passion for photography?
Back in 2012 — when I was 14, I would take a lot of “creative” photos of myself using the self-timer. I then felt quite confined as I couldn’t explore different styles so I made my best friend model for me and that’s when I started taking it seriously. Find my photography account at @_theleftside!
Share with us the best highlight of your life as a photographer and young social media influencer!
The first time I got invited for a fully sponsored trip under Air Asia to Langkawi last year. I went with my good friend, Zoey and my boyfriend even got to tag along too! Yeah, that was pretty darn cool.

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What is a typical day in your life?
I first get woken up by the sound of my alarm and contemplate whether I need education. Then when I tell myself yes, I go to my scheduled classes and end in the afternoon. Either I go home and take a nap or I’ll go out and create content for my Instagram. Sometimes, I have photoshoots or I’ll need to attend events.
Do give us some tips on how to capture the perfect photo!
My number 1 tip is always ALWAYS pay attention to your surroundings when taking a photo! Sometimes the background can either make or break the pic. You can also add some dynamic in your photos by having a prop such as sunglasses, flowers or even your cat.
We adore your IG feed! What editing apps & camera do you use?
For my personal IG, I use my iPhone 6s camera and edit with VSCO, Snapseed and Facetune whereas for my professional photography work, I use a Nikon D7200 and Photoshop CC for editing.
Name 3 of your favourite photography essentials that you can’t live without.
A camera, model and photographer. Legit.
Tell us some Instaworthy tips!
Besides paying attention to your background, pay attention to your pose as well. Do what makes you feel most confident and don’t be afraid to flaunt your best angle in public! The results will pay off in the end and I’m sure the lady who stared at you didn’t get a pic as cute as yours!!
What are you passionate about?
Photography is already pretty obvious but besides that, I’m a really huge animal lover. I hope I’ll be rich enough one day to open my own no-kill animal shelter.
Do you have any photography idols?
I was very inspired by Julia Trotti in the beginning and now I have Irene Rudnyk’s post notifications turned on, heheh.
Any life mottos?
Always remember why you started before you give up. If you hadn’t done it, you wouldn’t be where you are today.
Who is your all time inspiration in life?
My mom and dad. Both for different reasons but i’m so very proud of them and honestly, they are my two pillars of strength.
What is the ideal weekend for you?
I either want to go skydiving or cuddle while watching a movie. There is no in between.
Tell us what makes you smile the most? ☺
You know the sudden feeling of happiness you get when are surrounded by all the people you love and you just, couldn’t feel more grateful than you are at that moment? That.
Where do you see yourself in 2 years’ time?
I’m not sure because my life is always so unsuspecting but I definitely want to travel full-time with my boyfriend.