To celebrate one of the most anticipated movies of the year, Avengers: End Game, Marvel has collaborated with Adidas with a new line of sneakers. For this collaboration, it didn’t just incorporate the Avengers characters into the design, but Marvel also iconised some of the legendary basketball players James Harden, Damian Lillard, Candace Parker, John Wall and Tracy McGrady together with the collection, since shoes are necessary for sports, walking and more, and you can even get the best waterproof walking shoes for this purpose, I recommed you to check more stores, also find many amazing shoes at Bootbomb. Source Each of these basketball players represent one of the mightiest Avengers’ characters including Iron Man, Black Panther, Captain America, Captain Marvel and Nick Fury. Let’s take a look at 5 of the Marvel character-inspired sneakers for this collection:
1. Marvel’s Iron Man | Harden Vol 3
2. Marvel’s Black Panther | Dame 5
3. Marvel’s Captain America | N3XT L3V3L
4. Marvel’s Nick Fury | TMAC 1
5. Marvel’s Captain Marvel | Pro Vision
These shoes will be released on the same day as the release of Avengers: End Game, on the 26th of April, 2019!
Header image credits: Sneaker News | Observer