The Force is strong in Disney, just as I thought that it will end in Episode 9, Disney has announced a full-blown new trilogy to be directed by The Last Jedi director, Rian Johnson. Seems like the Star Wars universe is not going away anytime soon. Nothing have been spilled yet regarding the plot, but Rian Johnson could bring up these interesting untold stories of the cult galaxy franchise.
1) Rise Of The Rebel Alliance
After the rise of the Empire, we have seen how and who came to rebel against the evil squadron and it was Bail Organa and Mon Mothma as seen in Star Wars Rebels along with the Ghost crew, who rallied the brave, honourable soldiers in the fight for peace of the galaxy. The director could focus on an entirely different arc of the Alliance story, bringing in new characters and even bringing the Rebels characters to the big screen.
2) The Great Jedi Purge
The Great Jedi Purge is perhaps the darkest era of the Star Wars universe with the infamous Execute Order 66 that lead to the slaughter of the Jedi. It’s impossible that every of the Clone troopers would assassinate their Jedi comrade and to see their reluctance in following the orders would be intriguing. The new trilogy could focuses on the untold story of a few loyal clone trooper characters, or even a surviving Jedi or two along the way apart from Kanan Jarrus, Ahsoka Tano or Captain Rex.
3) A Lost, Surviving Jedi
Which brings me to number three in this list, Rian Johnson could focus on another Jedi character, where the character would be hiding in plain sight after the massacre and coping with the lost of his/her fallen brothers and sisters. Perhaps an encounter with familiar faces along the journey would be awesome such as Obi-Wan or Darth Vader or Sebastian Stan as Luke Skywalker.
4) Fall Of The Empire
The aftermath of the end of the Empire can be seen in the Battlefront 2 video game, and to see that timeline on the big screen would be very awesome as previously mentioned, with perhaps Sebastian Stan continuing the legacy and adventures of Luke Skywalker in overcoming of what remains of the evil Empire.
5) An Entirely Different Universe In The Mind Of Rian Johnson
It could an entirely new story, setting between the timelines of the prequels, original or even the sequels just like Rogue One with a new Star Wars mythology possibly.