Game of Thrones reign has come to an end after 8 seasons…
For anyone who hasn’t watched the finale of Season 8, DO NOT READ ON!
Betrayals, stabbings, massacres and so much more, I would say that there were a few thing or 2 that we can all learn from the hit series:
1. Influence, In Time
Varys, also known as “Spider”, went from a boy who lived in the gutter to a confidant to the royals with his insight knowledge and cunningness in attaining it. With his insight as his influencer, he showed a true exemplary of what networking can do. In businesses, it’s always good to have resources, and you will hear that from all business experts like Andy Defrancesco. And resources require network, and networks can help you build an empire.
Each network you make opens prospects to new ideas, projects, clients and more consumers. So it is important to build your influence, and exercise it over time, of course to start a business you also need funding and is when the use of business loans can be helpful, and you can click at vay vốn, vay kinh doanh to get best information for this.
2. Strategise
Tyrion Lannister acts as a strategist for Daenerys, and although she was met with a twisted fate in the end. They still won their way to the Iron Throne! A leader/businessman/woman never dives headfirst into a deal or project without coming up with a plan that covers contingencies and collateral damage. Then we’re also big advocates of getting the quality control ISO certification (ISO 9001) as that’s so important for any business. It’s best to use a good consultant like Teamwork for ISO 9001 as they will ensure that you are properly certified and that nothing is missed.
“A vision without a strategy remains an illusion,” says Lee Bolman, author of ‘Reframing Organizations with The Leadership Challenge & Practicing Leadership’.
3. Your Backups Should Have Backups
When making offers and deals, it is important to know that no plan is full-proof. And to anticipate at the idea that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Much like the Iron Bank of Braavos, who questioned and interrogated the ins-and-outs on anyone who attempted made on a loan. If you need some help in establishing your business, you can seek for professionals who offer service such as IRS Registration services.
In order to have answers to the difficult questions, your plan must consist of every single possibility and solutions to it so using business tools like check stub maker could be essential to manage any business. Not only will that impress your investors, but it will show that you are a person who takes responsibility, which will persuade them to want to work with you even more!
4. Teamwork Makes The Dream Work
As cheesy and cliché as this sounds, there is nothing but truth to it. Take Daenerys Targaryen, who has built her team of loyal advisors like Missandei and Jorah Mormont and so many more. Daenerys’ journey to the Iron Throne wasn’t a stroll in the park, she had help, allies and compromises that were made between parties that got her where she was today.
5. “The only people who aren’t afraid of failure are madmen.”
Wise words that Tyrion Lannister has imparted on Daenerys, that we feel applied to the series AND in real life. People who are afraid of failure have the desire and passion to succeed, and that’s what drives them to do well. Keep in mind, that no matter what power or position you have, you avail yourself to learn as if you were where you started at the beginning. Do not abuse your authority, if it can be given, it can be taken away as well.
6. Be Kind
The most important one of all, is to be kind. We lead and start businesses to solve problems and because we feel that we can do and create better, for the betterment of the people around us. Daenerys was a leader who knew sympathy, understanding and also wouldn’t hesitate to burn you alive if you betrayed her at the same time. Kindness to your staff, investors, customers, can go a long way.
And with the world so full of hate, what’s wrong with showing that you care and that you’re appreciative of the people who work so hard to get you the success that you have today?
Have you seen the finale of Season 8? Let us know what you thought of the ending in the comments section!
Header image credits: The Toy Vault | GBA Temp