With just 2 dawns away from one of the most significant political histories which us Malaysians are about to witness, GE14, there are hundreds of polling day-related articles circulating online by now. Just like how our momma used to nag us to chuck down tonnes of water and putting on sunscreen, the endless articles from different Malaysian sources about the same darn topic is a stern reminder all of us, not just first time voters, that every vote matters.
With the polling day falls right in the middle of the week, it’s the least we can do for all the hassle of taking leave and braving through the jam just so we can balik kampung to vote.
1. Bring your MyCard along with you
For identification purposes, duh! Or else who on earth will know who the heck you are? Besides, there might be imposters lurking around to use your vote for god-knows-what, so this is definitely the MOST important thing you must remember. Make sure to check your purse and wallet containing YOUR OWN MyCard before departing to your respective DUN voting station to vote. You don’t want to line up half way under the hot sun only to realize that your MyCard is not with you, do you?
2. ONLY mark “X” for the party you prefer
Or just simply remember that X is your best friend for the day. This is a very common mistake even among seasoned voters will commit. There is a box beside all the contesting parties on the voting paper. Mark an “X” within the box next to your preferred political party logo.
3. Your voting ballot paper MUST have a clearly visible serial number & certified stamp
Source: seniorsaloud.com
This is something you must take note as there are occasions whereby the serial number and/or certified stamp are not fully visible. If you realize that one of it or both of it are not visible, ask the person in-charged for a new voting ballot. This is NOT the time for you to be shy and remember, it is your right as a Malaysian to voice out if something is not right with your ballot paper. Make sure the officers slash out the FAULTY ballot paper.
4. Ensure your voting ballot paper is SPOTLESS.
Any stains (including ink inflicted by the inedible ink) on your voting ballot paper will cause them to disqualify your vote as UNDI ROSAK. So, make sure your voting ballot is clean and have absolutely no stains on it. Of course, you can ask for a new voting ballot if you realized there are stains on it, it’s your RIGHT to change. Make sure the officers slash out the FAULTY ballot paper.
5. DO NOT use your phone while voting
Yes, I know you are excited and want to document every bit of it, but NO, you cannot use your phone while you’re inside the voting station. Even someone calls you, you cannot accept it too. Or else you will be chased out by the officers and your vote might be disqualified.
6. NO painted nails
Girls, you need to remove your manicure. I know you spend a lot money and time on your manicure, but carrying your duty as a democratic citizen is far more important than well-manicured nails. Besides, this only happens once every 5 years, so manicure can definitely wait. Also, manicured fingernails mean difficulty for officer in-charged to put on the indelible ink on your finger. They will not provide nail polish remover on the spot for you to remove your painted nails, so make sure you get it done before the voting session.
7. DO NOT wear clothes with party logo and colors
Think neutral colored clothing, like white,gray or black. Please also dress up decently to ensure that you will not be kicked out for some of the most absurd reasons. Better safe than sorry, eh?
Happy voting!
Header image source from here.