An unfortunate incident unfolded outside the Toronto residence of the renowned rapper, Drake. The tranquility of the neighborhood was shattered as gunshots rang out, leaving one of Drake’s security guards wounded.
According to Toronto Police Service Inspector Paul Krawczyk, the gunshot was reported at roughly two in the morning local time. According to Krawczyk, the security guard, who has not been named, was admitted to the hospital and is still in critical condition. He kept the details of the guard’s wounds to himself.
The incident takes place in the midst of Drake and Kendrick Lamar’s rap feud. Drake’s Toronto residence was included as the cover art for one of Lamar’s songs. The police, according to Krawczyk, “cannot speak to a motive at this time.” In addition, he stated that while he was unable to verify if Drake was at home when the incident occurred, the rapper’s team was in communication with the police and was assisting with the inquiry.
When the guard was shot, Krawczyk said he was outside the home’s gates. Although there was a car engaged in the shooting, Krawczyk said he was still unable to categorize it as a drive-by shooting. Krawczyk underlined during the press conference that because the inquiry was still in its early phases, there was “very limited” information available. He said that police will be interviewing witnesses and gathering video in the neighborhood.
Despite the fact that authorities have already “gathered some video evidence which captures the incident,” he stated that at this time he was unable to disclose details about the car or the suspects. Krawczyk stated, “We’re dealing with issues with video quality.” “As we have information and we’re able to analyze video better then we’ll be able to provide more information.”