Our lives are always filled up with to-do list, piled up tasks and personal goals to achieve.
No doubt, it is important to have something to strive for. But despite working hard and giving our best, there are unavoidable situations where we just miss the mark or don’t meet our goals, or should we say, our own expectations.
Perhaps, you find your inner voice saying, “What is wrong with me? I should have done better, I should have been more efficient!”
Now is it necessary to beat yourself up for every misstep, or harshly self criticize for each perceived underachievement? Here, we provide 5 quotes that will give you a change of perspective and brighten up your day!
When we look back at the end of the day, we often have flashbacks of a thousand of things that didn’t go well, or things that we could have done better. However, there is a saying that goes, “as we think, so shall we feel”. Whatever we are feeling is the result of our thinking. And most often than not, it is our perception, and never the circumstances that is the problem. The first step is to be self-aware of these thoughts, and ask yourself, what emotion is it serving you? Are you a creator of your emotions or the victim of your thoughts? You hold the power to make a decision that can translate into a positive transformation!
Perhaps, you made a mistake that day that got you feeling disappointed and frustrated. But nobody is perfect, and even the best and brightest make mistakes. It is however, fascinating about how easy it is to forgive another person than it is to forgive ourselves. Don’t you think we should be more forgiving towards ourselves? It’s not how we make mistakes, but how we correct them that defines us! Let that loving energy shine throughout your whole being!
We all face problems on a daily basis. And for the most part, the fear of failure could be immobilizing – it can cause us to feel overwhelmed and stop us from moving forward. But imagine if Michael Jordan had given up on his dream to play basketball when he was cut from his team.When we stop allowing our fears to hinder us, comes great opportunity and solution along the way.
Regret can cause us to become excessively hesistant or avoidant to new experience. We may fall into the potential of building walls around us and pushing away new experience. Since we can’t change the past, we can focus on transforming the present moment and positively impact people around us and impact the future. Instead of dwelling in regret, take it as an opportunity to learn and allow yourself the freedom to accept your imperfections, just like how you would accept the flaws of your peer!
It’s natural for us to be kind to people that we care about in our lives. We try our best to comfort them and let them know that it’s okay when they fail. In other words, most of us are very good at being understanding, kind and compassionate towards others. Don’t you think we should be compassionate to ourselves the same way too? If you accept other people despite of their flaws, don’t you think you too, should be more forgiving of yourself? Treat yourself likewise, because lasting change cannot come from a place of negativity.
Which are some of your favourite quotes? Let us know in the comment section below!
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