Let’s hear Mark shares his journey!
Adele: Hi, Mark.
Mark: Hello, my name is Mark. I’m 31 years old. I came to Malaysia about 10 years ago, I had a performing arts background. So I was in this boy band that was put together in the UK. And then we came to Malaysia, we were called the London Boys. So when I was in this boy band, I started a YouTube channel and then 8 TV Quickie got in touch. I became a host there. And then I moved the Astro SuperSports, I’ve done a lot of content creation.
Adele: I first met you when you were still at the quickie with Brandon and then Astro SuperSports. And then like now like content creation, I think, how did you actually stumble across like being a content creator in Malaysia?
Mark: So I was actually in the boy band. And then I started a YouTube for fun. And I was doing like some pranks. And I was doing some covers. My pranks did quite well, because 10 years ago, there were less Karens in the world. And there were less people that had a problem with anything he post. Nowadays, she posted something, someone’s got the smallest problem with it. They got in touch 8 TV, and they said, we were looking for a host that does performing art. So I was like, Yeah, I’ll become a host. But then over the years, as a TV host, I realised that the industry was changing. So like TV was kind of going a bit down, things like Instagram had Instagram videos, and I didn’t want to be left behind. And over the last few years, I used to be doing TV host like this content creation like this. And now it’s kind of done this, which I actually love, because I’m kind of like my own boss and I can choose the stuff that I create.
Adele: Most of the time you’re in Malaysia. So how has it like changed your life entirely?
Mark: I think Malaysia is a really nice place to chill because I love the weather here. And I love the foods I think go back to the UK. I love it. I mean, it’s my family, I miss my friends, but I’m always looking forward to come back because I can’t handle UK cold. It’s just it’s horrible thinking of like, you know, being a TV host and obviously doing your performance you know, on YouTube, sometimes you know, you do performance, pranks and all Do you think you’ll be different if you were to be an influencer in UK completely because UK people and US they have a completely different sense of humour. So for example, sarcasm in the UK is very strong. And I will try and do some sarcastic content. Sometimes it doesn’t work in Malaysia because some people think I’m being serious. That’s how a lot of my pranks have done quite well. Maybe I’m a good liar. I don’t I don’t know. But I’ve done some things before. And I was like, There’s no way anyone’s going to believe this. I did this one thing where I pretended to go on this show called Shark Tank Dragon’s Den.
Adele: Yes. Yeah, I saw the video so many people thought it was like real.
Mark: And of course, didn’t think anyone would believe me, but so many people believe me. And then I just one step further. I photoshopped myself on a plane. It was during MCO. So I was quite bored. I had a lot of people trying to cancel me. So I had all these people who were like saying things like cancel this sending back to the UK, you know, coloniser, they actually thought without doing their research that I could claim a product was mine and bring it on a show like Dragon’s Den sharks. I mean, I find it entertaining. I think if you’re a content creator, you’ve got to have thick skin because if you’re posting stuff online, you know what’s gonna happen if you’re really can’t handle the heat as Gordon Ramsay will say, you have to get out the kitchen, get off social media, because there are some very horrible people that post stuff. So when this happens, I will always use it to my advantage when it was revealed that it was a prank and I created this video I put like an entire story saying things like you know, all these people trying to cancel me maybe next time you should do some research. And if you were smart enough to try and cancel me you would be smart enough to know that there is no way in hell any person can bring on a product that’s not theirs and go on Shark Tank. I don’t like to react because number one, it will give them the reaction they want. And number two, when it’s a prank, it’s always better to keep your mouth shut.
Adele: What was your first impression of Malaysia? And like obviously 10 years later, what do you think of Malaysia now besides like loving the food and the weather?
Mark: Malaysia is always felt like a second home. I love exploring things and I get very bored of life easily. So I need to keep myself entertained. I know there’s a lot of idiots here who say racist things and promote like hatred between other religions. But actually 90% of Malaysia is really diverse and really respect one another which is refreshing because in some countries, you wouldn’t get that close bonds of different religions.
Adele: Thinking of like, you know, beaches and content creation. You’re currently fliming like Pulau, right? Tell us a little bit about it. Like what is the most interesting thing about this experience? I’m just very curious. How is it different from filming Tiktok or like Instagram videos or YouTube?
Mark: Oh, it’s completely different because when you’re doing a movie, or there’s more pressure because you’re not in charge, they’re running of time, it’s Malaysia. So it could rain every minute. I’ve really enjoyed the experience. But I don’t think I would want to be like a full time actor because I love having that creativity. And I like controlling my narrative. Please do watch the movie, it’s gonna be great. Don’t listen to all the stupid people out there that say, even though they watch Marvel movies, it’s honestly as though,
Adele: it’s ridiculous. I saw some of the comments
Mark: People say things, they’ll realise they’re talking absolute rubbish, because if you want to ban a Malaysian movie, for showing a girl wearing a bikini, you’re gonna have to ban 80% of Netflix movies, and this is the film that’s a lot of money put inside it. They want to make good for Malaysia, the cast that all diverse, there’s not just all Malay cast, it’s not just all Chinese cast, not just all Indian cast
Adele: what was the most interesting thing for you personally, in this experience?
Mark: Seeing special effects and how that works in the film? Because I’ve done films before, but I’ve never done like a horror film. The second thing I suppose, was I met my current girlfriend on the movie
Adele: As of now 2023? What are some of your personal top like live values and why?
Mark: I think you have to give everyone a chance, I think you have to acknowledge sometimes that not everyone has certain opportunities. I’m a very patient person, because I’ve been to a lot of countries, and I’ve seen like how some people are and how they’re not very privileged. And I always take that into account with my work as well. So I won’t beat myself up quite a lot. Because I always think, Okay, I’m lucky I have like a home and I have like food on my plate. So whenever I have like a bad day, I’ll always think that I think it’s okay to have a bad day, instead of feeling sorry for myself, think of how to fix it. And speaking of people who complain that they’re overweight, for example, there’s a way to fix it, you can eat less, you can go to the gym, because like I said, I get a lot of haters, for example. So I’ve learned to kind of just wipe all that stuff away and be like, Well, you’ve managed to do this, you’ve achieved this, that’s just a few people that like your stuff. So just ignore that and carry on. I also believe that you should only pick something or choose a career path that you really love. Because I’ve got so many friends that are in dead end jobs that hate their life. And they do it because it’s the money. Whenever I give like a like a TED talk or university talk, that’s one thing I always insist on talking about, because people aren’t as lucky is to get the chance to choose what they want to do. Because I know parents play a huge part in it. So I always encourage people to prove their parents wrong, if they can work is 70% of your life, like from the age of 22 to the age of like 6065 That’s like 70% of your life and Malaysia. So never nine to five, nine to seven or nine till whenever the phone stops. If you’re doing something you hate for 70% of your life, you’re gonna be a miserable person for the rest of your life.
Mark: Instead of focusing on just like doing things that you’re passionate about. Sometimes it’s okay like to be patient, you might not find your passion or love immediately after you graduate. One thing that obviously people don’t see that on your platform, and I don’t know if people ever talk about it is that I think, Mark, you’re very independent. The fact that people always I mean, I see like, I know sometimes people say, this Masaleh guy go back to your country. Why do you come Malaysia and take our job just reverse engineer for a bit like there’s this guy that came all the way leaving his family?
Adele: What are some of the best advice that you have heard from someone else?
Mark: Be realistic. So obviously, if you have no experience if you can’t sing, and you want to become a singer, okay, yeah, come on. Be realistic. You know, you’re never gonna be a great singer because you don’t have the skills. Pick something that you really passionate about. And you know, you can potentially do something well in if your parents tell you otherwise, prove them wrong. There are ways to do things if you really believe and really have a passion for something.
Adele: Yeah. Thank you so much Mark for your time. If you enjoyed this podcast, share it out and be sure to follow mark and I’ll see you guys in the next one. Thanks, mark. Bye bye
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