This fitness junkie, beauty enthusiast and social butterfly could be the girl of everyone’s dreams! Say hi to Jazel Lim, our featured online personality of the week!
Hi Jazel! Tell us more about yourself!
I’m a petite sized girl (preferably called fun-sized) I’m all about trying new things, exploring & taking up new challenges. I’m of mixed heritage (mom’s Filipino Spanish, Dad’s Chinese Baba) I’ve always been outgoing so if I’m not doing something proactive I don’t feel it’s a good day. I love reading (mostly romance & thriller with romance) and from that you can already tell I am a hopeless romantic so I believe in old school romance!
I love sports since I was a lil girl which explains why I love to workout. I’ve been a school fencer, gymrama, cheerleader,bowling & a school band geek (I play the trombone till I ended high school) as well as choir because my mom is a musician herself it made me love music so much more! (more of a soul kinda girl so R&B, Hip Hop is my jam)
Describe your sense of style in 3 words.
Fierce, Sporty & Sassy!
Girly look VS Streetwear look?
I won’t choose because we can put both together & it’ll still look good. Street Chic ?
“Love with all your heart, Live life to the fullest, & count your blessings,”
What is a typical day in your life?
Morning coffee & proteins, gym, movie (because me & my boyfie are movie buffs) or we’ll plan to do something to fill the day up so we won’t waste it because I was told its better do to everything while you can & while you’re young. The energy isn’t gonna be there forever ??
Share with us your beauty regime! So envious of your flawless skin!
I wished it was flawless & glowing all the time but I try my best.
Morning steps: Cleanse, Serum, Toner, Moisturiser & Sunblock
Night: Cleanse, Serum, Toner, Moisturiser & mask (twice a week if I remember) then I end it with a sleeping mask
I will exfoliate my skin twice a week while showering for dead skin removal.
Name 3 of your favourite beauty product(s) that you can’t live without.
Concealer, eyebrow pencil & eyeliner.
What are your favourite type of exercise?
I live to do squats!!! A love hate relationship because everytime I’m done I can’t walk for the next few days depending on how intense legs day was for me but I also love upper body & back day!! I just basically love it all!
Do you have any fitness/beauty idols?
Yes, so many!!! Nikki Blackketter is my body goals which I am trying to work towards because she’s sorta petite. But really, Stephanie Davis, Robin Gallant, Anlella Sagra (this one is a beast & I love to look at her she’s just gorgeous with a killer body) and Katy Hearn (another body goals!!)
Who is your all time inspiration in life?
My family & boyfriend, Dennis Yin (these people are my life) because they taught me how to love & how to appreciate things in life. How to grow to be a better individual or how to ride a bicycle as well as paid for my tuition. I want to work hard enough so I can make them happy all the time!
What is the ideal weekend for you?
Wake up in a beach house sipping my hot cup of latte or juice & not having to worry about anything then comes Monday.
When did you first discover makeup?
12, because I used to see my mom doll up for dinner and occasions. I would look up to her & wished I could play with them someday then I discovered the internet & Michelle Phan!! From her older videos, not the current HD videos!
Tell us what makes you smile the most?
God, family, boyfriend and a good relaxing massage!
Where do you see yourself in 2 years’ time?
Running about being busy with work & finally reached my body goals. Getting a good income which I’m already investing in places or houses. Hopefully maybe who knows already engaged by then ???