November 19 is the general election in Malaysia. Have you bought your tickets and are ready to go back to your hometown to vote?
This year’s election will be held across the country on Saturday, November 19, and it’s not just about who will represent us in Congress. Voters will also elect representatives at the state, county and city levels. Besides, your vote will determine every decision the government makes going forward.
Elections have consequences! Every vote matters!
You have the right to make critical decisions about the quality of life for yourself, your family and your community. Voting is your chance to stand up for issues you care about.
It is your right! By not voting you are giving up your voice!
“One Person, One Vote”, people over the age of 18 have the right to vote. It has been three years since the last general election. In the past three years, the people have had different voices one after another.
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Voting is your say, it’s your voice. You say: “This is the kind of government I want.” As this podcast said, whatever kind of government you want, you must cast your precious vote.