Does everyone remember Tetris? That life-changing game from your childhood that you used to fight your siblings for and beg your parents to buy it for you back in the day? If you are one of them (just like me), the good news is there is a NEW Tetris game that’s coming out on PS4 with new features that will definitely blow your mind! Let’s break it down here:
1. 3D world that live and react
Source : Play.Station.Blog
What’s better than playing Tetris? Playing Tetris in a 3D world that reacts to how you play! Tetris effect allows you to enjoy the game with fancy lights, lovely songs and even different backgrounds. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still Tetris but with updated and fancy features!
2. Stop time
Tetris effect adds a new mechanic, a feature if you will called “Zone” where you can enter the “Zone” to STOP TIME which of course stops the blocks (Tetriminos) from fall to cheat death and maybe even stack up some extra lines to get a brand new combo!
3. A brand new 16 line combo!
THAT’S RIGHT! They added a 16 line combo known as a Decahexatris! For the first time in history! You can fill up the field to the tippy top and get a beautiful 16 line clear OR MORE even! What a time to be alive! Although there are already people who’ve achieved this on the demo version, nothing will beat the feeling of achieving it yourself!
4. A level progression system
Finally! After years of waiting, they have decided to add a level system to help you progress and increase replayability. Don’t get me wrong, while tetris is fun and will never NOT be fun, sometimes you just want a little more, you know? And by leveling up, the game actually gets harder as well!
In all honestly, I can’t hide my excitement and I definitely can’t wait to play this game! And with the option to play the game with a VR headset, that’s just icing on the cake at this point. Tetris Effect is set to release on the PlayStation 4 this November 9, 2018.
Resonair really outdid themselves this time didn’t they?
Header image source from here.