Happy April Fool’s! Looking for a good harmless and nonsensical prank to do on your friends?
Try this TikTok’s “I’m Busy” challenge that you can prank on your multiple friends in a short amount of time.
Now, you may be wondering what this “I’m Busy” challenge is. Check out this compilation video of Singer Justine Skye, who was among the first to try the new trend with her friends. She FaceTimed everyone from Kendall Jenner to Lil Yachty to Jamie Foxx. When they answered, she responded with some variation of “Hey, I’m super busy right now. Can I call you back?” There was confusion and concern. Then, Skye hung up. Then, she did it again. And again.
According to SocialBoosting you just have to video call your friend. When they answer, tell them you’re busy and that you’ll call them right back. They’ll respond with confusion, probably say that you called them. If they’re nice, they may be worried that it was them somehow who video-called you without realizing. Then, you hang up with no explanation.