Yes. You might want to share all your delicious food with your best friend, aka your dog. But it’s best you know how to be a responsible doggy parent as some foods might be bad for them.
Not all human foods can be fed to dogs as they might cause serious health issues to them that you might not be aware of. When it comes to your dog’s diet, it’s recommended that you buy natural dog food instead of feeding them human foods.
Here are a few human foods that you should stop feeding your dog!
1. Chocolate
Chocolate is one of the most dangerous and your dog should really stay away from it. It contains theobromine which is the most toxic part of the chocolate for dogs and can cause a dog to vomit, become overly thirsty and have diarrhoea. Even worse, it could cause seizures, abnormal heart rhythms, tremors or death.
2. Nuts
Nuts which include pecans, walnuts and almonds contain a high amount of oils and fats which could result in vomiting, pancreatitis and diarrhoea for dogs. The most dangerous are macadamias as they can cause weakness, vomiting, depression and tremors. So, guys, save the nuts for yourself and avoid feeding your dogs them.
3. Salty Foods
Salty foods aren’t really recommended to be fed to your dog as they cause a condition called sodium ion poisoning and excessive thirst or urination. If they eat too much salt, the symptoms might include vomiting, diarrhoea and high body temperature. It’s best to keep their food as less salty as possible.
4. Garlic
It’s okay for dogs to consume tiny amounts as it is beneficial to treat fleas but consuming it in a huge amount is high risk. This is because garlic kills dog’s red blood cell count which would cause anaemia. Look out for signs like weaknesses or having trouble breathing and vomiting.
5. Grapes and Raisins
Grapes and raisins aren’t good for your dog’s kidney as they cause kidney failure. Even taking just small amounts can make a dog ill. The early symptoms are depression and low energy. There are also stories of dogs dying from a handful of grapes so be careful doggy parents out there.
6. Candy, Peanut Butter, Gum and Baked Goods
When it comes to these sweets, the real culprit is an ingredient called xylitol. Xylitol causes an insulin surge through your dog’s body that would lead to a drop in blood sugar and cause liver failure. The symptoms include lethargy, vomiting, loss of coordination and eventually even death.
7. Avocado
Avocados contain persin which can cause diarrhoea and heart congestion. The most dangerous part of an avocado is the pit as it’s a choking hazard and is full of persin. If your dog ingested an avocado pit, make sure to call for help as soon as you can.
8. Bacon
As bacon has a lot of fat, this could cause your dog to have pancreatitis. Other than that, bacon often also has a high salt content so it’s best to avoid giving them bacon at all. If they consume any bacon, it would cause their stomach to be upset.
9. Cooked Bones
The danger of eating cooked bones is that it can easily splinter when chewed by dogs. Raw bones are okay as they are good for your dog’s teeth and nutrition.
10. Milk & Dairy Products
Small doses won’t kill your dog but you can smell their smelly farts and even some nasty cases of diarrhoea as milk can cause digestive problems or trigger food allergies.
Natural dog food, formulated as part of a balanced diet, can have a great impact on your dog’s health, wellness, and even his lifespan. You can learn more about natural dog food and treats at
What food do you avoid giving your four-legged fur friend? Let us know in the comment section below!
Header Image : Wagwalking