Let’s hear how Casey copes with her motherhood journey!
Adele: Hi, Casey
Casey: Hello Adele, it’s like a new way to introduce myself now because I have just got into becoming a mom last month. So previously I was a full time vendor on site, and I run my own businesses. Ever since I got pregnant and then I started to focus a lot on myself because previously I had some health issues. Yeah, my body wasn’t really ready for a baby for three years. I’ve always been working on my own businesses, it’s like family business and also on the side being an influencer as well.
I have two businesses actually, one called Cotti Motti is like a biscotti brand, I’m focusing a lot on the marketing side and one is something like I really wish to grow. This is because biscotti is something quite run in Malaysia and I wanted to grow into the more premium side of F&B business so apart from being selling a biscuit we focus a lot on gifting. I wanted people to remember us as a biscuiting, rather than just getting along as well. This is because in Malaysia, it looks better in terms of gifting of value dropped as people do not know what biscotti is.
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Adele: On top of that you’re also doing your content creation, you’re also doing a lot of different things. So what are some of your challenges when you started the business or when you run the business, that you can share with us?
Casey: I think starting is quite easy. Oh, I want to start this brand then immediately I wanted it to run fast and smooth, but when it comes to like challenging, right?It’s always about like sustainable and also creative ideas because I don’t really like to clash ideas with brands, when my team gives me ideas then I were like no, cannot. Because it has been seen somewhere unless we can improvise it like you know, becoming something that people do not have. Apart from that, getting the right talent to help you is very, very important. Even until now, I couldn’t really find someone that is aligned with what I want. It all has to go through me first.
Adele: I always believe that there is no right person, I feel like instead of looking for the right person and I feel sometimes it’s also about us training a person out right? We cannot expect our team to understand what is in our mind. This is because everyone’s representative is different to ensure that a team wins together with you, your customers are happy, and that is like a whole new thing, right? So with such a busy schedule, and obviously like now you’re a new mom, right? What does time mean to you? And do you think having me time is important? And like why?
Casey: Yes, definitely. I think now I really need a lot of me-time. It’s not the right time for me to expect time for now. But before that, I think it’s where I can grow from. It reminds me of time, right? It’s always about self enrichment, I study, I read, then I feel like my me-time. I feel relaxed, so some people feel like Oh, I need to do a massage and I need to wash my hair. But for me doing the massage, right? It’s like a waste of your time.
Adele: Everyone has different definitions of time. How do you spend time with your husband? You know, because I think the most important thing about time is always like me-time, your husband and your family and then your friends and your work. Has he ever done something that is super romantic to you that you can share?
Casey: I don’t know why, but whenever like my husband, he needs me to be there for him, right? I will just put down everything and be there for him. This is because I understand he is very stressed about his work. We are all stressful but we cannot give ourselves an excuse to say Oh, because I’m busy, and then I have my own things, so you take your own rests, you know?I think my husband, he loves like a lot of company like me being beside him. He felt secure, and then we hardly went out. We are quite introverted, to be honest. We don’t really like to go to parties because we don’t like crowds so usually we spend most of the time at home.
Steven is actually quite romantic in terms of planning out something for an occasion, like anniversaries and stuff. I felt really bad because he tends to remember the day we met, the day we got together and he will remember all these days, you know? Then I will forget because usually girls remember instead of guys, you know? When he proposed to me, we went to Turkey, and then Turkey is actually a trip that I sponsored him to go to and then I want to pamper him now, you know? I have a nice boyfriend first, later on he suddenly just surprised me with a ring and then he proposed to me. And then he even brought a dress, you know? The dress was right, he rented from Glam Glow, if not mistaken, he went there with cousin , he rented the dress, and then he brought the dress over, I don’t even know. He hides the dress in like a toy box, and guys usually like blur.
Adele: Yeah, I agree. I think that that’s actually very romantic and now that you’re a mom I’m sure like he’s there for you as well. But besides your husband, I mean, let’s talk about you being a new mom. How does that make you feel? Is it what you expected?
Casey: It’s not really what I expected but I was trying to mentally be prepared. This is because I’ve heard a lot of comments about being a mom, stress and stuff. So I try to throw away all those things because I do not want to give into the thought that being a mom is stressful. Besides, because a lot of people tend to connect once you become a mom you lost your life, you lost yourself, instead have that right I prefer to really be able to enjoy being a mom, rather than put it as a stress. Especially when I want to commit to breastfeeding, it’s really tiring. It’s very stressful, I think the mental part and the physical as well because we don’t get enough sleep. And then people around you, they just don’t understand that part, they think it’s very easy for them to say, Oh, it’s like that one, you have to go through. Yes, it’s a process that we have to go through but you guys have to understand, it’s not easy. That’s the challenging part that I’m facing right now, I’m trying to be like, Okay, calm down, don’t be angry. You know, I love doing this.
Adele: I’m sure since you became a new mom. I mean, because I became a new mom last year and I think being a mother in the year 2021 is really the highlight of my year right? So now that is year 2022 is that Oh, I feel my highlight is not just about being a mom because last year was really a big impact for me like I gave birth November and then it was Christmas as we plan for 2023 like are there like three goals that you want to hit in 2023 and why?
Casey: I felt like my goal is kinda like I need to put it on pause. I cannot let it progress because if I want to commit to it, I need to like 100%, I cannot like half half. It’s just not going anywhere, being able to be myself again, have my own time and then I get to you know loose up be pretty and I’d be happy with my kid. Yeah, I think that’s the goal now, I do not wish for more than that, I just want to be happy contented.
Adele: A happy mum always gives birth to a happy baby like I always believed in.
Casey: I think that mindset is really important, that you really like to be happy, everything else is good already one.
Adele: Last but not least, I just want to ask you, what are some of the best advice you’ve heard from someone else that you would love to share with all of us here today?
Casey: Don’t rush things, just go with the flow. I think this quote I’ve been carrying since I study is just keep calm, everything just will be alright.
Adele: Thank you so much, Casey for your time. For all of you, if this is something that you like, be sure to share it with your friends and like this video. You can follow Casey and I’ll see you guys in the next one. Thanks, Casey.
Casey: Thank You.
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