In the heart of a lively debate, a student named Aisyah has stirred conversations among netizens by critiquing a nightclub afterparty allegedly organised by the Malaysian Society Club (MSoc) at a UK university.
A TikTok video shared by @thisisiasyahtrying has become a focal point, sparking questions about religious sensitivity and cultural inclusivity.
@thisisaisyahtrying♬ original sound – aisyah🧣
In the video, Aisyah expressed her concerns about the MSoc’s afterparty, an extension of their annual Malaysian Games, which included activities like clubbing and drinking. She argued that such practices conflicted with Islamic principles and Malaysian culture. “Clubbing, drinking, and partying have never been part of Malaysian culture. We have our means of celebration and entertainment. So, why indulge in activities that aren’t even part of our culture to begin with? It’s not a very good look,” she emphasised.
The video has garnered over 370,000 views and 28,000 likes, sparking a vibrant debate among netizens. Supporters of Aisyah argue that the MSoc should have organised a more inclusive event, considering the potential exclusion of Muslim members due to alcohol and the nightclub setting.
Aisyah has stirred up religious tensions among Malaysians in the UK. I demand a swift response from JPA! Malaysia is a multicultural nation, and tuak is an integral part of Sabah/Sarawak culture.
— /ˈluːsɪfə/ (@elfucir) November 23, 2023
A former president of Nottingham Malaysian Society shared the challenges of organising such events, highlighting the efforts to maintain inclusivity within the committee. He noted that while the games required extensive labour, an official afterparty at a club could be a disservice to committee members who couldn’t participate due to personal preferences.
On the opposing side, some disagreed with Aisyah, asserting that she was imposing her beliefs on others, especially as attendance at the afterparty was optional for club members. Others pointed out the diversity in Malaysian culture, emphasising that certain traditions involve alcohol.
The debate unfolds as netizens express varying opinions on cultural practices and the balance between inclusivity and personal beliefs.