One of the staff at local coffee chain, ZUS Coffee had shortchanged a five-sen to their consumer. The staff then apologised over this matter. This controversy started on last Wednesday 28 Sept. It then sparks a conversation over the public.
This controversy brings the public to a question of if you bought stuff that charges five-sen on one and you need to pay in cash but you do not have the five-sen. So would you pay for a ten-sen, an additional five-sen or short pay of the five-sen?
This question reflects to the ZUS Coffee’s staff of being short-changed of a five-sen. Put yourself on to the staff and buyer’s shoes. If the beverage cost RM11.75, and consumers only pay for RM11.70 and stated do not have the balance five-sen to pay. Imagine how the staff feel about this. Also this same goes as the case when short-changed a five-sen to the consumer.
However, ZUS then responded “ For all the five-sen we couldn’t return.. Sorry. Here‘s the 75 sen off for the inconvenience” with the voucher code. This seems like a smart marketing strategy. CEO from ZUS Coffee Venon Tian stated moving forward, they would provide an exact change to customers or at the nearest denomination and remove five-sen denomination in their next menu refreshment and continue to encourage cashless payments.