It’s a brand new year, are you still thinking of that person? 😢
It’s time to move on. You and I know that. I know it’s easier to say than to be done. But, in this new year, let’s put YOU first. 💚
Why hold on to this person,
when you’re feeling neglected,
when you’re tired of chasing them,
when your trust is broken,
when you’re unappreciated,
when they keep lying to you,
when you can’t be yourself around them,
when you cry to sleep every night,
when you’re feeling resentful,
when you keep getting mixed signals,
when you’re sick of arguments,
when you’re the only one putting in the effort.
If that’s you, it’s time to move on. You don’t deserve any of those. Do anything you need to move on. 👊✨
Find a rebound,
find a closure with this person,
practice self-love and self-care,
cut them out of your life permanently,
spend some time alone to reflect,
rant to someone who will listen,
delete them from your phone,
pick up new hobby,
reconnect with your old friends,
block them on social media,
forgive them and yourself.
You can do this, it’s time to move on. ☘️
Tag someone who need to read this.
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