With the recent announcement of Thronebreaker for The Witcher universe, it is said to feature new characters and leaves the old casts behind. Since CD Projekt Red released Witcher 3 back in 2015 with its subsequent large AAA sized DLCS, it’s time to revisit The Witcher 3 to see if it still holds up after all these years.
I’ve only done 1 playthrough before this, DLCs included and finished the game at 173 hours on skull and bones difficulty, which is the 2nd hardest difficulty. And while this is nothing to brag about, it definitely made the game fun.
So how is the Witcher 3 after all these years? Still pretty fun honestly.
Source: The Withcher
Nothing beats following Geralt of Rivia, our main man after the previous 2 titles around different maps, from White Orchard to Velen and beyond. In this iteration, Geralt here has gained the ability to finally jump, climb and swim! There is just something about watching him swing his swords around with such grace that is just downright mesmerizing.
Source : Kinguin
The fact that you not only hunt monsters in this horror and monster filled world, but sometimes you’ll need to put down some of the more… interesting people. It really makes sense for him to have 2 swords, one silver for monsters and another steel sword for regular people. Watching Geralt fly from one foe to another, and if you’ve managed to unlock the spin move, just sit back and watch him do this thing!
Source: Neogaf
In The Witcher 3, there’s always the appeal of it’s unique and uncensored stories, from swearing to nudity; it really seemed as though it’s a living breathing world, with unique characters weaving intricate tales with each other. After not playing the game for at least 2 years, coming back to the game still filled me with that joy and hunger for more as I wanted to find out more and more about the characters, and how they’re related to each other.
Did I mention that ever since getting a better computer with rgb fans for better cooling, that The Witcher 3 on High is AMAZING?! Everything just looks better, from the foliage of plants to Geralt’s lush hair blowing in the wind.
All in all, The Witcher 3 is definitely a fun game that you can pick up at anytime and still have a great time. You don’t even need to know about the previous titles, as they are simple nods to the previous games instead of building the whole game around the relationship and past achievements of Geralt, in this iteration you’re just Geralt the Witcher and you’re here to kick ass and make money, and you’re all out of money (just because I don’t want to accept his bribe okay) <- that’s a spoiler so I can’t reveal it.
Source: Giantbomb
For those of you who have not tried the game, I recommend you pick it up as soon as possible! It’s on stream and remember to get the GAME OF THE YEAR edition as it has all the DLCs along with the main game for half the price!
Source : Witcher