You’ve heard about people eating durian, chicken or cow intestines, fish eyes, chicken feet and you already think that is disgusting enough.
But, do you ever wonder what weird food people from other countries eat? Here are some strange food that people eat from around the world.
1. Balut (Philippines)
Source: asoutherngypsy
Balut is one of the indulgences in the Philippines. It is a fertilized hard boiled egg containing a developing duck embryo which is boiled while it was alive and eaten straight from the shell. You can see the duck embryo with its somewhat created body parts like its heads, feet, feathers, and beaks. Do you think your stomach could handle these baby ducklings?
2. Shirako (Japan)
Source: koi-thailand
Sounds like a type of sashimi but, it is male cod’s sperm sac. Easy to spot Shirako as it is weirdly looking milk colored sashimi and the taste is creamy and soft. If you’re an adventurous eater and want to experience how animal sperm tastes like then this one is for you!
3. Century Egg (China)
Source: YouTube
4. Percebes (Portugal)
Source: YouTube
Pollicipes otherwise called Percebes or Goose Barnacle is a delightful uncommon seafood that tastes simply like the ocean, shellfishes, and lobsters. The cost is very costly in light of the fact that people collect this abnormally looking claws from the stones along the shorelines of Portugal and Northern Spain which are unsafe! Be that as it may, this is the best seafood you can have in Portugal. If you want to try on the delicacies of Portugal as well, it would be best to compare Portugal nif prices before planning your trip.
5. Guinea Pig (Peru)
Source: remezcla
This Peruvian conventional dish called Cuy (pronounced as ‘kwee‘) is a guinea pig. Yes, a Guinea Pig. You didn’t read it wrong! The Peruvians have been eating this for more than 5,000 years prior! They cherish it so much that they even have a national holiday yearly on the second Fridays of October only for this dish! What do they do on that day? There will be best-dressed guinea competitions which then will be eaten.
6. Wasp Crackers (Japan)
Source: procaffenation
Japan is home to peculiar and strange things so it is typical for them to have one of a kind snacks like Wasp crackers. The crackers filled with a couple of wasps. Wasp wafers are mainstream in Japan as it is rich in protein. As indicated by a source, this wafer contains 81 % of protein, more than the protein from a steak!